I'm always on the look out for beautiful vintage things from Peru. I love taking something neglected and forgotten and give it a new life, showing others the beauty that I see in it. I found two treasures recently that I have been working on. A sterling silver llama pin from Peru. It was made with remarkable detail, I could see the llama's eyes, nose, mouth and it's thick wool. I wanted to make these details really stand out so I carefully cleaned the vintage pin and then gave it a rich dark oxidized coloring.

Next I gave the bundle he carries on his back a brushed silver texture so it contrasts nicely against the dark color and then polished the pin. The final touch was to give the llama a beautiful fine silk ribbon in a vivid berry color. Not only does this give the llama an elegant look but is typical in the Andes. The Andean people mark their llamas with colorful tassels in their ears or pompoms around their necks so the owner can easily identify them. To the left is a picture I took in Arequipa of a llama in the Colca Canyon high up in in the Andes mountains of Peru so you can see their colorful accessories. This adorable little llama is now ready for his new home. If you would like to know more about this pin or would like to purchase him he is now available in my shop, click HERE or on any of the pictures. I mentioned I found two treasures, the other one is also a brooch but I will save that one for another post : )