When I came across Mano Bello I immediately fell in love with these beautiful handcrafted leather flowers. They look so soft and elegant in some of my favorite hues. The above brooch is a rich passionate red that would make any outfit look very romantic.
This belt in a muted cocoa color is also one of my favorites. Three roses attached to a long belt that can be wrapped around several times and tied in the back is a definite eye catcher !
Here is a close up of a dusty taupe colored single rose necklace. You can clearly see the natural texture and suppleness of the flower. Doesn't it make you want to reach out and touch it's soft petals ?
This belt has a more rustic and relaxed look. It has a wider distressed deep chocolate brown leather wrap around belt that is adorned with a large ruffled rust colored leather rose.

I highly recommend that you visit Mano Bello's shop on Etsy where you'll find beautiful handcrafted leather belts, handbags and accessories in an array of wonderful colors. There is also a blog : News from Mano Bello http://manobello.blogspot.com
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